Manufacturing upper footwear
Szigetvár and its neighbourhood used to be considered as a significant centre of the footwear industry, being the industrial centre of the Hungarian footwear manufacture with traditions. The heritage was continued by 11 companies after 1989 when Hungary became a republic and privatization started. Today, we are the only company left.
Our staff has solved several difficult situations in the past 20 years and has become one team able to work together excellently. As a result, we are able to react to market demands very well and flexibly. We work quickly with excellent quality and respect deadlines. Our partners can rely on our precision and punctuality and our products are always delivered precisely in time.
This is the only way it could be done.
How could it be otherwise?
5-10 thousand pairs of upper footwear a month is our average production. If necessary, we can manufacture more pairs than that.
One of the owners of the company has been working in the footwear industry for decades so when it comes to an order, we can’t only speak about quantities but also production optimization. As soon as he decides what work stages to happen successively, he also decides what work stages can be aggregated or other technological solutions arise. This is due to the experience of decades, this is why we are able to manufacture higher amounts of pairs with flexible and meticulous plans without making the standard of our products lower or under-implemented…
Send us your questions or ask for an offer!
They can also speak English with Levente Kovács!
Kovács Levente: +36306295499
Executive Manager Kovács Eszter: +36305006492
Office: +3673310454