How were we able to survive the difficult decades and competitors in the women’s footwear industry?
Decades in the competition of women’s upper footwear. What was the only significant difference between our company and our competitors? What was the difference which was not obvious or can’t be seen at first sight, but it resulted we are still working and performing excellently, while the other companies in the footwear industry disappeared long ago?
We ourselves are the reason for our success. Our company is a family business, which also means we experienced our decisions and learnt to our cost each time. We have had quite a lot of such decisions in the past decades. Why is it important?
Because while other companies, owners employed managers and decisions were made at low levels, we make our decisions on work at the level of management.
Footwear industry: We risk life and limb!
More simply: we manage our company while knowing and applying the traditions and skills needed to make women’s upper footwear. That is why the economic and professional part of the management are not separated. All our decisions are made to meet professional principles, which can be easily described, however, it is much more complex to experience them and fight with the changing market each month.
Until the political changes in 1989, we made footwear exclusively for the domestic market, that is for retailers, wholesalers and our own shops in Hungary. There was a time when we owned 5 footwear shops. Unfortunately, during the political changes in 1989, with less expensive Chinese products arriving, the domestic footwear industry got knocked out quickly and a very difficult period began. It was only our company that was able to survive this difficult time in Hungary.
We had to realize our company would only have a future if we made a footwear factory from our small family manufacture to have the chance to become a competitor in the West European market as well. This process took years and all our reserves had been used by the time we achieved our objectives and built our factory. However, today we have a profitable factory making upper footwear.
We manufacture women’s upper footwear exclusively. Of course, our specialization was not a few-day process, but a longer one lasting for months and years. Now, we are the fine craftsmen in the footwear industry, having all the necessary equipment to manufacture the finest, unique and excellent women’s footwear. We finished manufacturing robust upper footwear gradually and now it is worth finding our company if really fine work is what you want.
Send us your questions or ask for an offer!
They can also speak English with Levente Kovács!
Kovács Levente: +36306295499
Executive Manager Kovács Eszter: +36305006492
Office: +3673310454